Why Choose Flexible Conduit Over Cable In Hazardous Areas?

Ex d requirements insist that cable used in hazardous areas should be a considerably compact circular cable with extruded bedding and using fillers that are non-hygroscopic.

Further more, thought should be given to the volume of cable required and how it will be terminated. If numerous cables are to be terminated at the same point, the size of glanding panel may impact on the required control box enclosure size.

Using Flexicon conduit systems removes these issues as cables can be run through a protective conduit, allowing multi-cores to share the same space and so reduce the number of entry points required into the control box.

Calculating the cross-sectional area of the cables to be run through a single conduit will enable the correct specification and selection of conduit system required.

Key benefits of using a Flexicon conduit with a flameproof EXD barrier gland over cable:

simplified termination Simplified termination and greater enclosure integrity
reduced installation time Reduced installation time – less terminations
mechanical protection Cable is mechanically protected
no specialist cables No need for specialist cables
emc screening Can provide EMC screening (braided versions)
no SWA cables No need for use of SWA cables
Flameproof increased safety Flameproof integrity and self-extinguishing properties
easy-to-upgrade Future proofing the installation – easier to upgrade

For more information on our range of Flexicon flexible conduits, please contact our Sales Team.

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