Accident Rate Halved Since 2010, Report Finds

Industry Accident Statistics 2001-2015

Latest UK industry figures have shown a dramatic drop in reportable accidents over the last 15 years, strengthening the electrical contracting sector’s reputation for safety in the workplace.

The 2015 Survey of Accidents at Work Report, published by the [Joint Industry Board] JIB, found that the accident incidence rate (AIR) for RIDDOR-reportable accidents is now only 16% of what it was in 2001, and has halved since 2010.

JIB and ECA members submitted data for the survey, which analyses deaths, injuries and over seven-day accidents. Slips, trips and falls and manual handling continue to be the most prevalent types of serious injury, with no fatalities reported.Accident Rate

In total 33 accidents were reported by companies employing 31 or more operatives.  This year, the survey also gathered separate statistics from companies with 30 or fewer operatives.

ECA Director of Business Services, Paul Reeve, comments: “The huge drop in accidents since 2001 is a remarkable achievement by everyone involved in the industry, and marks a real step change in performance.

“Yet, in reflecting on this long-term success, we should not forget that serious accidents are still recorded. We should now focus on eliminating the root causes of these types of accidents, to achieve even further improvement in the next few years.”

Article reproduced by kind permission of JIB.